Sunday, August 31, 2008


We are busy this weekend... Brandon's parents are still here and we are doing a lot of fun things. Last night, we went to Mary and Don's and played 2 table euchre. It was great, even though I didn't do very well!

Mary and Don are the nicest people in the world. Don is great- everytime we go over to their house, he always gives us something to leave with! Last night, we got a huge amount of his tomatoes. He grow the best tomatoes in the world. And Mary is just the sweetest person I know! She has a great sense of humor and the best laugh EVER!

Karen and I put Rory's room together with all the gifts from the open house- it was so overwhelming how much stuff that he got! Heres some pictures of his room as it looks right now.

There are no updates to report.... just waiting!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I've been so crazy buzy that I've not posted in like two weeks.That is just ridiculous. There is no excuse! Well, there is no news to report... still just waiting for the Haitian Government to finish printing the passport so we can be on our way!

In other news... School started off great. I have a really great class. They are just awesome. There are 28 of them but they are literally all good kids.

The 5K Old Town Walk/Run went off without a hitch! It was fantastic- we had almost 200 participants and made a lot of money for our Bradford Woods trip in November. Organizing an event like that is overwhelming, but fun to pull off. Finally! A fundraiser that I actually enjoy!

We had our fantasy football draft on the 22nd. I am really excited about my team. There are some real gambles that we had to take, but I am excited for it to get underway. A lot of people don't really get it and think it is extremely weird or "unladylike" to have this as a hobby. But, it is so strategic and competitive! There are 12 teams in my league and its all husbands and wives (for the most part) and all the girls love it (some of us are more into it than the guys!). It really is a blast and I've learned so much about the sport that Brandon loves. It's really fun to have that in common!

Also, my adoption open house was last Saturday. I can't even believe the amount of presents we got. INSANE! Anyway, Karen and I put away all the clothes and toys and got the room looking pretty good. I will take a picture (with our NEW DIGITAL CAMERA!) and post it tomorrow. It was just the coolest thing to have all those people there for Rory and open presents that he is really going to touch and wear! The day was just perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything else. If anything, the open house made me feel like I'm really ready. Totally priceless!

Hurricane Gustav is making us somewhat nervous, but probably not for the reasons you think. We know the creche is supplied with water and food and that they are safe, but I really worry about the infrastructure of the COUNTRY (ie the government). I mean, if the consolate gets wiped out, then where are we??? I mean, really???? Also, we worry about our family that lives in Florida on the Gulf Coast. A while back, we realized how differently you look at hurricanes when the people you love live in hurricane zones. Anyway, we think that all is well, at least that's the word we are getting, and we just have to grin and bear it:)

Sad news... My grandmother (my dad's mom) died yesterday. I would have mentioned it earlier in the post, but I wasn't sure until just this moment if I even wanted to put it in. She was a really great woman. She was 95 and had been ill for some time. It is a very sad thing, but she had a great, long life.

I'm at school right now, getting ready to head to the library. I don't understand why ANYONE buys books. With the library websites that let you search and request any book you could imagine, it's just ignorant to BUY books and but more waste into the world. Plus you save money! Lots of money! (at least I do). Okay, I'm getting off my soapbox and leaving school.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Things have been so CRAZY lately. In the midst of getting my classroom ready for school to start (on Thursday-ugh!), we are making ourselves very busy for other upcoming events.

Brandon's parents are coming next week, which we are really excited about. They live in Trinity, Florida outside of Tampa. It is difficult to live so far away from family, and we both have missed them. I'm so excited for them to come because I know there will be lots of golf and euchre! Woo hoo!They are staying until after Labor Day, so we will have lots of time to spend together.

Also, the Old Town 5K Walk/Run is the 23rd (same day as my shower) and that is a bear to organize. We are desperately trying to pull together sponsors and participants for the event. All the proceeds go to our annual 5th grade field trip to Bradford Woods and to the Isom Scholarship.

Add in to all that Fantasy Football, Indians Games, Brandon's new business, Book Club, etc... wow- it's going to be a busy, busy month.

In more exciting (yet, less momentous) news, Brandon went and bought Rory's mattress today. So, you know what happened next, right! We dragged it upstairs and we made his bed. The room looks awesome. At least, to me anyway! I'm so excited! It's the little things that make it more real the closer we get. I went out to buy some stuff for school today and found a toy, 5 books, 2 shirts, and a pair of camoflauge pants for him, too. But what really did it was when I spoke with my principal today and we are started to put things in order for my adoption leave.

I've put a new picture on the blog.... Rory with all of his buds at the creche:) It's our latest picture and he seems so much older!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

GREAT NEWS! We are officially in MOI (as of 7/28)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does this mean, you ask???

Adopting from Haiti includes a million or so steps and this is the last major hurdle. We expect to be in MOI for 1-3 months and then our visa appt will take a little longer (weeks?) - GIVEN THERE ARE NO MAJOR DELAYS! We know better than to get our hopes up!!! If you are interested in seeing a more detailed timeline follow this link:

it seems to be fairly accurate as far as I can tell. Let's hope things really get moving!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

So we have no new information to pass along. A bunch of parents just got back from the creche and I guess there is a chicken pox break out. I wonder if Rory will get it... or if he already has had it?

The first Colts preseason game is tonight which is weird. Seems like the Superbowl was just yesterday! Brandon and I are in the thick of getting ready for our fantasy football draft. I'm on Team JohnnyCakes (long story) with our friend Steve and Brandon is on a team with another friend, Seung. Steve and I won the superbowl last year. Fantasy Football is great fun, and a super way to make time fly... which is exactly what we need!

Brandon and I are going to buy a mattress for Rory this week. His room is pretty much completely ready. My sister and mom are having a 'shower' for me August 23. I think it will be so much fun... It's really neat to see it all coming together.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

What happened to July? It seems like the 4th was just yesterday!

I received my much-dreaded, annual letter from the superintendent of Greenwood Schools. It looks like they are going to insist on having school again this year and it starts August 13th. While summer can't last forever, I hate to see it end. But, there is something about the start of a new school year. It got me thinking...

Here is my list of why I love the first day of school, still.

1. There is a buzz in the hallways 5 minutes before the bell rings that first day that is palpable. We (the teachers) all have this nervous excitement that doesn't exist on any other day.

2. The kids are bathed, smell good, tan, combed, well-dressed, and have school supplies. I can't say that for any other day of the year for a lot of them.

3. The classroom has that crayon smell. You know?

4. The kids are afraid of me. I don't want them to be, but it's entertaining to watch their faces for the entire day, because they just have no idea what is coming next.

5. I have no pre-conceived notions for any child. I purposely do not look at permanent records until the third or fourth day of school.

6. On the first day, every child knows that they have a clean slate and they can earn good grades and go far. I wish I could figure out how do get that effect every day.

7. Everyone has at least one pencil.

8. I go over my list of rules. There are 53 of them. Excessive... yes. But the kids love it. Some of the rules are serious (#1 - use sir or ma'am when speaking to an adult), some are silly (#36- Do not EVER bring black licorice to school), and some are inspirational (#53- Decide today what kind of school year that YOU want to have). I love my list.

9. I get to read Tiki Tiki Tembo and Road Trip by Ann Jonas. Two all-time, great out-loud reads.

10. Every last one of them, for 10 years running, has been on their best behavior for the entire first day. Now, if I could just bottle that.....