Saturday, September 6, 2008

Crappy Weather = Crappy Mood

It is absolutely beautiful today... at least in Indiana. Brandon and I have been watching the news day and night about the hurricanes brushing Haiti one after another. It is gut-wrenching and we feel completely helpless. However, everyone at the creche is okay. Here is the message we received from the director yesterday:

Hello Everyone Just wanted to update everyone that Hurricane Hanna did not hit the norther part of Haiti as significantly as it did on the southern and western parts of Haiti. I spoke with Gina yesterday and while there was rain and flooding - everyone and everything at the creche is ok. The kids are all fine and so is the building, staff and grounds. Just not much outdoor playtime the past few weeks. We are most worried about the number of storms/hurricanes that are hitting Haiti. So far it has been Gustav and Hannah and there are 2 more on their way. It has been a complete disaster trying to get our tubs of donated supplies into Haiti, but I will save that story for another post. Kathi

We were so relieved to get this message from Kathi. Or biggest concern is, ironically, NOT the orphanage. We are concerned that the government offices that are still processing our file are not open and may remain closed for sometime.

Here's a link to a CNN article about the situation:

I'm guessing that many people don't know where the creche is located. Here is a map of Haiti- the creche is just outside Croix-de-Bouquets, not far from Port-Au-Prince.

This weekend we are busy. Brandon is cleaning out the garage. We are going to have a garage sale in the next month to make room for all of Rory's stuff! We are trying to be optimistic... Brandon put Rory's bike together yesterday and I went garage-sale'ing' today. I got a TON of stuff. It's really hard to know what to buy when I don't know what size he is, but I think I'm doing a decent job of getting a range of clothes.

Karen and Paul left on Thursday to go back home. We had a great time together; we played tons of euchre and went golfing. It was really nice to have them here and get to do some fun stuff. I went with Karen to Sam's Club and we stocked up on supplies for the orphanage from all the Vaughns. You should see this container of animal crackers we got. It's totally, ridiculously HUGE!

I'm signing off for now... Please keep your fingers crossed that Ike is nice to Haiti and doesn't hit Florida hard.

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